Wellness & Support

Wellness is Multidimensional
Wellness is about more than just physical health. In our ministry, we have adopted the approach of the Global Wellness Institute, that most models of wellness include at least six dimensions.
Image Source: https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/what-is-wellness/
Physical Wellness
This year we’ve started a walking group to encourage physical activity. Our contributions of time, talent, and funds also address the physical needs in our greater community.

Mental Wellness
Engaging our members through adult education offerings and links to other sources of information furthers mental health. Our leadership and laypersons are receiving training/and or information on suicide prevention, recognizing and preventing abuse, raising awareness of mental illness symptoms and treating, and preventing sexual harassment and discrimination.

Spiritual Wellness
Searching for meaning and higher purpose in human existence is a longing for all ages. Our sermons, discussions, and continuing education emphasize broad development of individual spirituality within our faith tradition.
Emotional Wellness
Being aware of, accepting and expressing our feelings, and understanding the feelings of others is important. We are providing resources through newsletter articles, supporting local agencies that provide mental health services, and through links to help those who are searching to find additional resources.
Social Wellness
Connecting and engaging with others and our communities in meaningful ways through reaching out for interfaith activities and participating in community events is part of our tradition whether it is is through our after worship fellowship hour or through other planned events.
Environmental Wellness
Fostering positive interrelationships between planetary health and human actions, choices, and wellbeing.

Covenant’s Mental Health Grant
Covenant is a recipient of a PCUSA Mental Health Grant which will help to further our efforts
since mental health is a foundation for healthy individuals and communities. We are seeking to
compassionately walk with people who live with mental health concerns and their loved ones.
We want to help reduce stigma and recognize neurodiversity. We hope to encourage mental
and emotional well-being for all through education, commitment, welcome, support and
advocacy with our programs and supportive partnerships.
We are also participating in the PCUSA Mental Health ministry which is a part of the mission of the greater PCUSA. Check our events calendar for adult education and other events related to this ministry.

Here are just some of the resources that are available for more information and education: