We offer a broad assortment of programs for children that focus on the spiritual, and emotional lessons the Christian faith teaches us.
Sunday School for our elementary children takes place during Worship. After the time called “Time for Young Disciples” children from preschool age 5 to age ten will adjourn to Room 5 for music, stories and activities related to the lectionary.
Confirmation Class
As numbers and age warrant, Covenant offers young people Grade 6 and older an opportunity to become full members of the Covenant church family by completing a confirmation class which teaches them about the responsibilities and meaning of church membership. For information about Confirmation classes, contact the pastor.
Special Events
Other seasonal and special events occur throughout the year including an Easter Egg Hunt, a Blessing of the Animals service, a Trunk or Treat, and a Christmas pageant during Advent. Visit our calendar for an updated list of events and programming for all ages.