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Pastor Jack

Proverbs 29:18 states emphatically: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” In terms of our life together we might say: “Where there is no vision, our spiritual lives become aimless.” As Christians and people of faith we need to have personal visions for what we can become, how we can grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, and for what we believe God is calling us to do next.

Likewise, as a church family, we need to have a vision for where we think God is leading us. As a new pastor—I’ve been here a year but I still think of myself as somewhat new—I have benefitted from the strong leadership of my predecessors who cast a vision for engaging a diverse and intergenerational church family in every facet of church life.

There have been challenges to the vision. The COVID years were rough, as they were for all communities of faith. Likewise, our congregation has to compete with youth sports, the decline of “organized religion” generally, and with multiple, alternate sources for spiritual content.

Nonetheless, a local church family is still essential. We are the ones who pray for each other, offer encouraging words, and provide practical support in the face of life’s most trying and most joyous moments. And we are the ones who help strengthen each other’s faith. We are a community who remains intellectually curious, and we are living proof that “one can give their heart to Jesus without having to give up their mind.” in my first year as your pastor I have been moved by the faith stories that many of you have shared with me, and I have witnessed and been inspired by the ways you care for each other.

I very much believe that a renewed vision for how a diverse and intergenerational congregation is best equipped to reach a diverse and intergenerational populace is taking shape before us.

· Our youth and intergenerational mission trip to Metlakatla, Alaska last July has led to the formation of lasting friendships and partnership. Several in our group have taken their own initiative in continuing to reach out to and support our new friends, and members of the Covenant congregation will have an opportunity to meet our new friends on Tuesday, October 3rd.

· Our theme of “From Generation to Generation” is being fleshed out as our Church School children draw connections between what happens in worship and what they learn in their Sunday School classroom. We are building the C.E. team as the number of children in our one room schoolhouse grows.

· We are reaching out to our neighbors with a Blessing of the Animals service on October 15th and with tentative plans for a Trunk or Treat later in the month.

· We continue to revamp our church website so that people in the wider community can learn more about us and hopefully be able to see themselves in our story and be inspired to join us.

Having a vision is contagious. We should have a half dozen or more folks join us formally as new members in the coming weeks.

Pastor Jack


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