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The Bible Story Machine

Pastor Jack

Pastor’s Ponderings

October, 2024



I wish I remembered the details more accurately, but years ago someone told me about a short story (or possibly a movie plot) in which the main protagonist builds a machine that he can use to transport himself into works of literature. Thus, if he ever fancied himself as the Fourth Musketeer, he could travel into the famous Alexandre Dumas novel and try to convince the Three Musketeers that they need a new partner. Alas, what happens instead is that he accidentally transports himself into a grammar textbook, and he gets chased across the countryside by a dangling participle. (If anyone remembers the original source for this, please let me know. I heard it secondhand.)


Now, let’s say that we could build a Bible Story Machine that would enable you to transport yourself into one of the stories in the Bible. Which story would you choose?


When the Session and Deacons held their joint meeting a few weeks ago, I posed the question: “Which Bible Story is Covenant Presbyterian Church living out right now?”


A couple of people noted Covenant’s diversity of culture and background and talked about the Pentecost story in Acts 2 and how the Holy Spirit enabled everyone to hear Peter’s preaching in their own native language. Likewise, the Holy Spirit is helping us utilize the richness in our varied backgrounds and experiences as we do ministry together.


Someone else mentioned the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50), and how he overcame slavery and prison and was eventually placed in a position where he could save thousands from famine, including his own brothers who had long before left him for dead. Likewise, Covenant is overcoming the challengers of the pandemic and its aftermath in confident trust that God is working through these challenges for the good of all.


Someone else mentioned the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15) and how it’s never too late to return to one’s church family.


Someone else mentioned the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes to feed a multitude and how God is using even the small things that we do together for great impact.


Which Bible story or stories do you see Covenant living out? I’m eager to hear your thoughts. Please share them with me by email or in casual conversation.


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Jack



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