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Promises & Possibilities

Pastor Jack

Pastor’s Ponderings

September, 2024


The Biblical story begins with a promise. God promises the newly created humans that they can depend upon God’s creation to give them what they need to survive and thrive, and humans in turn are given the responsibility of caring for the creation. (Genesis 1)


But then there is peril. The humans get expelled from the garden as punishment for their disobedience, and now their survival depends upon hard work and whether or not crops will survive until the harvest. (Genesis 3)


Yet finally there is possibility. God promises Abraham and Sarah that they will have numerous descendants, thus ensuring their survival and the survival of their offspring. And God’s faithfulness creates new possibilities for the humans to grow in their faith, learning what it means to trust in God’s promises even when the promise itself is greatly imperiled. (Genesis 12 and following chapters)


On September 8 we begin Year 3 of the Narrative Lectionary. During the fall months our preaching texts will be from the Old Testament and we will explore further this theme of promise, peril, and possibility.


It seems to me that there is a lot of cynicism around “promises.” In an election season politicians make promises, and many people are quite doubtful that they will follow through on those promises. Many relationships fall apart because of failures to keep promises. And for many the promise of “the American Dream” seems more elusive than ever.


How do we find hope in the face of such perils? How can we continue to trust the promises? And how do we discover the possibilities we might embrace?


Join us this fall as we ponder these questions. I look forward to seeing you in worship.


Grace and Peace,

 Pastor Jack


Preaching and Worship in September

Concluding sermon to the Summer Series on Spiritual Practices

September 1                     “Putting It All Together: Developing a Rule of Life”

                                                      Psalm 1 and 1 Peter 1:13-16


Begin Year 3 of the Narrative Lectionary

 New sermon series on “Promises & Possibilities”

September 8                     “Fallen Promise”

                                                      Genesis 2:4b-7, 15-17; 3:1-8


September 15                  “Faith’s Promise”

                                                      Genesis 15:1-6


September 22                  “Promise of a Dream”

                                                      Genesis 37:3-8. 17b-22, 26-34; 50:15-21


September 29                  “Passover Promise”

Exodus 12:1-13; 13:1-8


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