During the month of June we will begin following a schedule of regular postings on social media. Be on the lookout for weekly posts from the church on Facebook and Instagram. (facebook.com/CPCpaloalto and @CovenantPresbyterianPA)
For instance, you’ll see weekly videos titled, “60-Second Sunday Snippet,” like the one that was emailed to Covenant folks right before Trinity Sunday / Memorial Day weekend.
You’ll also find posts with pictures from church events (when given permission to post) and brief inspirational videos and memes that aren’t plugs for upcoming events. You’ll see humorous posts which we hope you’ll find funny (or at least make you smile).
For our Covenant friends who are on Facebook and Instagram and post or check it somewhat regularly, I invite you to like and share Covenant’s posts. You might be surprised at some of your friends or contacts who express interest.
This push for consistent social media posting is the next step after introducing our newly redesigned church website. The hope is to increase the visibility of our congregation so that the people who seek to grow in their faith and who find our particular congregation’s story compelling will have an opportunity to learn more about us and possibly become part of our church’s story.
Thank you to José Espinoza and Jane Bernstein for being part of our social media team. José is especially interested in producing short videos and posting on additional platforms and not just Facebook and Instagram. Jane loves creating eye-catching memes. If others of you are interested in being a part of our social media team, we would love to have you, especially if you already spend a fair amount of time on social media.
Every little thing we can do to increase our visibility helps. Now, having said all of this, the number one reason that most people decide to visit a new church is because someone invited them directly. If any of your friends and neighbors are searching for a church community, share with them what excites you about Covenant!
What’s not to like about that?
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jack